Ducks, Methods & Materials


Why ducks?

We wanted to add some kind of livestock to our small agricultural system. Backyard chickens have become quite popular and are an excellent way to produce protein rich eggs and Nitrogen rich fertilizer in your back yard. We wanted to try something a little different and found that ducks are a great alternative. They lay eggs just like chickens but tolerate the cold better and are a little more resistant to disease. We have also found that they are a bit quieter than chickens and very easy to care for.

Duck eggs

        • Ducks convert feed efficiently into eggs. Although they do consume more feed than chickens, their eggs are 30% larger.
        • Duck eggs are extremely nutritious. They contain more vitamins A, B12 and D and higher levels of Omega 3 than chicken eggs.
        • Excellent for baking! — extra protein in the egg whites = firmer texture which gives greater loft when whipping. More volume and firmness to whipped egg whites means it’s time to get your bake on with duck eggs.
        • Cooking with Duck Eggs

And let us not forget the aesthetic factor. Both ducklings and ducks are extremely endearing, entertaining, and beautiful to watch.

Gardner Cultivation Welsh Harlequin Ducks Our first flock.

Choosing a Breed

Just like chickens, there are many different breeds of domestic duck. Also like chickens, different breeds have different characteristics. There is a wide variety of colors and sizes, egg laying abilities, etc. If you are thinking about getting ducks, do some research and make sure to get a breed that fits your wants and needs. Absolutely visit and utilize Metzer Farm’s duck comparison chart. This is an invaluable asset when browsing for the best duck breed for your specific needs, circumstances, and wants for your flock.

We chose the Welsh Harlequin breed for their very calm temperament, cold-hardiness, and excellent egg production.

Gardner Cultivation Harlequin