Methods & Materials

Fixing up the old barn

This old cattle barn looks a little rough, but with a little work it will still be a functional animal shelter.

Since we will have to wait until spring to start growing crops, one of our first projects on the farm will be cleaning out the old barn to make it suitable for housing livestock. The first step is to get it cleaned up by removing all of the manure that has accumulated on the floor.

Now that we have everything scooped out, the level of the floor is pretty low. The next step will be to fill it back in with rock and raise the floor level above grade so that it stays dry. After that, we will add a layer of crushed limestone on top to make a nice hard, even surface.

This might look like a lot of rock, but it took two of these trucks full of rocks and a third truck full of crushed lime to fill our barn floor up to the level of the surrounding ground. That’s more than 30 tons of material!

Again, our neighbor’s skidsteer came in handy for moving some of this rock, but we did end up moving much of it with a wheelbarrow. Now that we have a solid, dry floor in our barn we can use it for it’s intended purpose as a livestock shelter.












