
New Starts and The Greenhouse

IMG_5401 IMG_5403 Last fall we constructed a basic, cheap greenhouse out of cattle panels and 2x4s. This structure was loosely based on plans found in this youtube video. Obviously, the wind has not been kind to this little greenhouse over the winter. It’s not pretty, but it still works so we are going to start filling it with wire racks where our new vegetable starts can go once they have grown a few leaves. IMG_5405

This frees up lots of room to start new plants inside! This weekend we have started more Winterbor kale, Lacinato or “Dinosaur” kale, butterhead and romaine lettuce, kohlrabi, and two different varieties of onion. As you can see, we have started using a couple of T5 fluorescent lamps to help our starts along. Over the next few weeks we will be starting a lot more lettuce, spinach, and kale so that we will have some starts for sale. We hope you will support our growing business by buying some of our starts this spring and grow someĀ  nutritious food yourself.

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